Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's time to Learn

I did something last October that completely changed my life. I stepped out and decided it was time to learn something new. I was living in a world of "normal." In the words of Dave Ramsey, "normal sucks."

I was doing the typical nursing thing and complaining about being short staffed and underpaid. I was doing the typical wife thing and yelling at my husband about our finances. I was doing the typical things in life that were just about going with the flow and not living your passion.

My husband & I took Financial Peace University and it changed my life. Of course, we learned to manage our finances and that was great, but what was better was getting invigorated by going to a class again. I remember how much I loved to learn. I started listening to his radio show and reading the books he recommends. I started reading blogs and getting excited about changing how I think.

Once this started to happen again, an amazing thing started happening. I was becoming happier. I was working harder and thinking more and relaxing less and I was passionate again.

My small busines run by 3 people (me, myself & I) is a business of teaching. I teach caregiver new skills to help them do their jobs. My biggest boundary... I have a hard time convincing people how much fun it is to LEARN. Let me PLEAD to you 1 thing. Turn off the TV and pick up a book for just 30 minutes every other day. I guarantee that slowly, you will start to love to learn again. Start reading blogs of those with positive things to say. Your day will go so much better with some good positive thoughts dispersed in your day.

Need a book to get started? Read The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. It's a fun fictional story with great life-changing lessons throughout.

Need a good blog to get you started? Go to www.jonacuff.com and learn about going from your day job to your dream job.

Try this for just 2 weeks and I promise you will fall in love with learning again.