Monday, November 28, 2011

Want to know what's GREAT?

Books are ordered for the Book Club: The Traveler's Gift. And want to know what's GREAT!! They are AUTOGRAPHED by Mr. Andy Andrews himself. No additional charge, but definately an added bonus. I love Autographed Books.

Sign up NOW!

Cost: $20 – For an AUTOGRAPHED Book and a certificate for up to 10 hours of continuing Education

How it works: Read The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. Follow the chat on my blog once a week for questions to discuss every week for 5 weeks.

This is an amazing book and you definately won't want to miss it!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Book Club

I read this book about 6 months ago and it has completely rocked my world. It's an amazing fun story about David Ponder and how he goes from complete despair to complete success. I read it in 1 night and have read it twice since.

"Forty-six-year-old David Ponder feels like a total failure. Once a high-flying executive in a Fortune 500 company, he now works a part-time, minimum wage job and struggles to support his family. Then, an even greater crisis hits: his daughter becomes ill, and he can’t afford to get her the medical help she needs. When his car skids on an icy road, he wonders if he even cares to survive the crash.

But an extraordinary experience awaits David Ponder. He finds himself traveling back in time, meeting leaders and heroes at crucial moments in their lives—from Abraham Lincoln to Anne Frank. By the time his journey is over, he has received seven secrets for success—and a second chance. The Traveler's Gift offers a modern day parable of one man's choices—and the attitudes that make the difference between failure and success."

Cost: $20 - For the Book and a certificate for up to 10 hours of continuing Education
How it works: Read The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. Follow the chat on my blog once a week for questions to discuss every week for 5 weeks.
This is an amazing book and you definitely won't want to miss it!
REGISTER here to join the club.

Be sure to email me with any questions or concerns!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Initiative 1163

So Initiative 1163 has passed. I1163 is the initiative put forth by the SEIU for more Caregiver Training. It was aggressively advertised to the public as an initiative that would give more training to caregivers working in private homes. I avoided giving my opinion about it before it passed because my opinion is very complicated, but now I would like to try and share it with you.

I am in agreement that caregivers need more training. Everyone in healthcare needs more training. Healthcare is constantly changing as we get new information about illness and quality of life through research, so all of us need to be constantly learning an be open to change. I have a book that my grandmother gave me that was printed 1905. It's the medical textbook used at that time. Half of it is on veternary medicine. I have read it cover to cover (over 1000 pages). The 1st time I read it, I was astonished and thought it was hillarious how much they did not know. Now I think it is sad. Basic hygiene and handwashing was just starting to be understood. Vaccines had not been discovered. Antibiotics were just starting to be researched. So in 105 years, what ill those medical professionals think of what we are doing? Leaches for limb reattachment? Electrocomvulsant Therapy for Deperession? Poison for Cancer? These are real treatments we use now that are very effective. But in 100 years, will we be thought stupid and naive? We need to be constantly learning because healthcare is constantly changing.

I am not at all in agreement with forcing caregivers to do 75 hours of training. SEIU advertised this as a measure for Home Health caregivers, but in the very end of the initiative on page 27 (out of 29), it includes Boarding Home Caregivers and Adult Family Home caregivers.

Adult learners do not lear by being forced into a class that is going to cost them more money and take time off of work where they earn their money. They are not going to be better caregivers this way.

3 or 4 years ago, SEIU wanted an almost identical measure passed called I1029. It passed with one of the largest voter margains. As a teacher when I was trying to write curriculum for the new extended hours, I was told over & over again "Caregivers don't need all this information. Just extend what is already there."

So if we are not going to teach 75 hours worth of material, but only extend the 28 hours of material we already have, what is the point? I absolutely hate this attitude that feels like 'caregivers aren't smart enough for all that.'

I am of the opinion that caregivers are desperate for information and more training. They just want it in different ways and they want it to be their decision. I would much rather see something that rewards ongoing education rather than force it. I would much rather see a focus on Continuing Education with a lot of different options for different subjects rather than 1 big boring basic class. I would rather see a focus on innovative ways to teach and learn rather than constantly forcing a bunch of adults into a classroom to learn information they don't care about.

I want more education, but not at all the way that the SEIU wants education in this law.

Of note: on November, 10, 2010, the Govenor of Washington issued an executive order that there will be no Non-Critical Rule Development and Adoption due to our state's budget crisis. The order does read that there is an exception to public health and quality of life. I think under this executive order may make this whole thing go away altogether. This initiative is expected to cost $80 million over the next 2 years and the state is expecting a $2 billion dollar shortage over the next 2 years.

My suggestion: If you are a caregiver, get all your credentials done before the end of the year. If this goes onto law, all caregivers with all their credentials done will be grandfathered in. If even 1 credential is off, you will have to go through the entire 75 hours of new training.

You can find what trainings are required at my website. Trainings are different for Adult Family Homes and Boarding Homes, so just click on the one that is right for you.