Sunday, January 26, 2014

Seahawks Giveaway!

Hey folks!

It's been awhile since I blogged, but that's going to change. I have a new book coming out soon and I have some things to talk about. Some things, you are going to be all "RIGHT ON!" and some things you are going to be "you have lost your mind" but I'm gonna throw it all out there because there are some things that we need to start discussing. Some things that have been getting under my skin & I am now on a mission to bring some change to.

In order to butter you up a little bit, I'm going to do a give-away. The Seahawks are headed to the Super Bowl, so we need to give away some Seahawks gear.

Our pastor's wife & her friend are these amazing gorgeous women. They have this small business called Bestie Bows. They make these hair bows that are just freaking adorable. They have been making Bestie Bows that are Seahawks bows. AWESOME!!!!

I'm giving away 10 of these suckers.
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Sorry guys. This one is mine. :)


  1. How awesome! I would love to win! Thank you!

  2. Shared on Facebook!

  3. Tweeted!

  4. Congratulations to todays winners of Bestie Bows!!!
    Jordan James
    Summer Rosario
    Becky Kilgore
    Terri Schmidgall
    Susan Shoults
    Nicolette Bow

    email me your address and I'll get it out right away!
