Thursday, July 3, 2014

Every Compliment is Precious

A friend of my Mom's just posted the following:

My mom has been a nurse more than 35 years. She's worked mostly in populations that don't come with a lot of "Thanks". I've seen her AMAZING work and then get yelled at because of something completely out of control. 

She's a LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse). This is the 1st nursing degree after being a nursing assistant. Many MANY RN's look down on LPNs because they have 1 less year of education. What many people don't know is that she has a 4 year education and had to drop out of her last quarter of college when her father passed away unexpectedly. She's smarter than most every nurse I know, but never flaunts it. My mom is the very definition of a classy nurse.

Am I shocked that she saved a life? Nope! She's done it hundreds of times before. I was surprised by the compliment.

My sister works in media. She is gorgeous and chatty and has an Emmy! When we get together she gets to chat all day about her very exciting and adventurous job. I stand there and say nothing. Why? Because legally, I can't say anything.

Those of us in the nursing profession (HCAs, NA-Cs, LPNs, RNs, etc) are not allowed to talk about what we do. We don't get to share the incredible and amazing work we do. We don't get to show off and our managers often use our mistakes as "learning experiences", but don't mention the amazing number of things we do right. It's really hard. 

Thank you Trisha for the compliment!! My mom is AWESOME! And she saves lives everyday. And the lives she can't save, she brings peace and comfort to. 

Thank someone giving care today. Compliments are few and far between and desperately needed. Thanks, Mom!


  1. most people have rock star and movie star envy; some even have chef envy. me? I have nurse envy. I wish I wasn't so old - I'd try school again just so I could learn to do what you and Terri do. and yes, I agree - she is, hands down, the smartest nurse around (Judy doesn't count cause she is one of those RN's of which you speak!).

    1. I for sure have chef envy! You are awesome. As a person who has never learned to cook now learning to adapt to a gluten-free and dairy-free diet...I totally wish I had your skill!
